Nuts about You! – Hazelnut Cheesecake (No-Bake)

This decadent, pleasing-to-the-taste buds recipe is really quite simple. It’s a hazelnut cheesecake, and I know I normally only trust baked cheesecakes because they come across as more fulfilling, but this one is a keeper.

Best. Ever. New York Cheesecake.

For the ultimate New York cheesecake, look no further. Make this recipe with love and confidence and you’ve got a real winner in your hands. I dream of this cheesecake! And I have not had a single critic saying there’s something missing or too much in the taste… it’s perfect. Sorry do I sound like…

This Ain’t Cinderella’s Pumpkin (Cheesecake)!

You know what’s better than a pumpkin pie? Pumpkin Cheesecake! I got the opportunity to make this again recently for an order for an old colleague’s farewell. It was her favorite dessert, and that’s what they wanted to send her off with. Good thing ‘coz this got rave reviews! I think cream cheese makes anything…

Apple Cheesecake Bars

    So I got most of my inspiration for this recipe from Betty Crocker’s website, EXCEPT they had things like oatmeal cookie mix and canned apple pie filling yada yada for a (I suppose) quicker version of this recipe. I had to make these for Eid last year, because they sounded divine and we…